Umair Khalid

Simple, but significant!

About Me

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Hi, my name is Umair Khalid. I'm a versatile, high achieving IT Professional and skilled Full Stack Developer with strong motivational drive to succeed in Information Technology industry. With over two years of experience in networks, troubleshooting and IT support as well as the sound experience in Mobile App, software and web front end development and design, I can bring strong technical skills and great learning eagerness to any project.

I previously completed an Internship as a UI/UX Designer with a young start-up, which has now been expanded globally. However, that opportunity gave me a glimpse into the endless possibilities in the existing tech industry. Currently, I'm pursuing a coding bootcamp with Trilogy education to further strengthen my skills in Web development with various technologies and frameworks. This course also offers a more organised roadmap to become a confident developer/coder in widely used web development frameworks. ^Back to top


Dark Crawler

Dark Crawler is a full stack application that offers a fully functioning board game, with randomized encounters and rewards.

Note Taker


This is a CMS-style blog site similar to a Wordpress site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well.

Tech Blog

Movie Planner

MOOVEE - Movie database search utilizing OMDB and Google YouTube V3 APIs.

Movie Planner

Note Taker

Note taker application uses an Express.js back end and allow a user to save, retrieve and delete notes from a JSON file.

Note Taker

Weather Dashboard

Weather dashboard allows travellers to search a weather in a specific city before making travel arrangements.

Weather Dashboard

Code Quiz

An interactive, timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions that stores a high score leaderboard in local storage.

Code Quiz

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